Making Tough Decisions

Making Tough Decisions

When I have to make a decision, whether it’s a big life choice or even just picking a meal off of a menu, often I’m struck with a surprise attack:an attack on my ability to be a strong and confident person. I don’t think I’m alone in this...
Bracing for Impact

Bracing for Impact

I’m one of those people who hates conflict. Seriously. It makes me feel very uneasy, sometimes to the point that I find myself avoiding it at all costs. I am learning how to quiet my anxious soul when it comes to speaking my mind and asking for what I need....
Washed in the Forest Air

Washed in the Forest Air

This past weekend, I was invited on a “Sauntering Forest Walk” for relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation. According to Thoreau, sauntering comes from the saints’  pilgrimage to the Holy Lands. Saunt= saint, Ter= Earth. On this walk, we were...
Looking for Trouble

Looking for Trouble

I’ve mentioned before that I instinctively avoid conflict. It’s a challenge for me to bring tough stuff to the table in my relationships. But I know that many other people have the opposite problem. They are too quick to enter into conflict. When we are...

Pursuing A Degree With The CVI In Mind!

This last month was an exceptional one for the Walters! We had two of our boys graduate, both in a field they are passionate about, both in areas their CVI would agree they are extremely well-suited for. Each accomplished this in their own way and in their own time. I...

Mother’s Day can be Complicated

Mother’s Day approaches… While it can be a joy to celebrate, the neglected reality is that Mother’s Day is probably one of the most emotionally charged days of the year. Everyone has a mom, but… No one has a perfect relationship with their mom....

Blessings Lead to Legacy

Last week was my husband Eric’s birthday, and as such it is a fitting opportunity to discuss Legacy & Blessing. Legacy is the gift you leave, either overtly or covertly. It is the stamp you leave reminding people you were here. A spoken blessing has been...

I Think You CAN!

Whether You Think You Can or You think You Can’t… You are right! – Henry Ford This quote is a mantra my fitness coach uses with me a lot, but recently I began to intentionally apply it to all areas of my life. Whether I am running a mile or a...

Creating Safety in Relationships

Creating Safety What does it take for one person to feel safe enough to share their life, their thoughts, their dreams, their body and their emotions? To do all this takes an immense amount of time and energy–aka, it takes some serious work. You need to feel you...