Money and Stress can go hand in hand. What we do with our finances speaks to what we value in life, what we have been taught about handling money and how we communicate/work with our spouse on financial issues. Many times we just have unshared expectations about how...
We have a story to tell. It’s not easy to write, however, we know what lies deep within this story will help others hold onto hope and love. Ultimately we hope others will build a legacy for the next generation as this story has done for our family. This story...
March 25, 2016 – February 27, 2016 | Register Description: Date: Friday Feb. 19th to Saturday Feb. 20th, 2016 Schedule Friday: starting at 6pm, lasting until 9pm Saturday: 9am finishing at 5pm Have you ever wished you could see into the heart of your...
When I have to make a decision, whether it’s a big life choice or even just picking a meal off of a menu, often I’m struck with a surprise attack:an attack on my ability to be a strong and confident person. I don’t think I’m alone in this...
I’m one of those people who hates conflict. Seriously. It makes me feel very uneasy, sometimes to the point that I find myself avoiding it at all costs. I am learning how to quiet my anxious soul when it comes to speaking my mind and asking for what I need....
This past weekend, I was invited on a “Sauntering Forest Walk” for relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation. According to Thoreau, sauntering comes from the saints’ pilgrimage to the Holy Lands. Saunt= saint, Ter= Earth. On this walk, we were...
I’ve mentioned before that I instinctively avoid conflict. It’s a challenge for me to bring tough stuff to the table in my relationships. But I know that many other people have the opposite problem. They are too quick to enter into conflict. When we are...
The Many Ways We Attach and Why its So Important I’ve been thinking a lot about attachment lately. Perhaps it is because I am working with a master educator/counselor who is an expert on attachment. In my last post I promised I would tell you about the book I...
School is back in session and that can be a time of relief (for moms especially) but also a time of stress and anxiety as homework and life of busyness ramps back up. I wonder what life would be like if we started one new ritual surrounding becoming more centered...
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a toxic thought cycle? I know that often, when I make a mistake, I find myself overwhelmed with shame and guilt–I spend more time beating myself up about it than trying to actually recover. It becomes a vicious cycle...
New Research: Get Some Sleep. As a couple, Eric and I have always heard it said: “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger!” This is one of those quotes from the bible that most people (Christians or not) truly believe will help assure that they have...
This last month was an exceptional one for the Walters! We had two of our boys graduate, both in a field they are passionate about, both in areas their CVI would agree they are extremely well-suited for. Each accomplished this in their own way and in their own time. I...
Mother’s Day approaches… While it can be a joy to celebrate, the neglected reality is that Mother’s Day is probably one of the most emotionally charged days of the year. Everyone has a mom, but… No one has a perfect relationship with their mom....
In the world of learning to be the most productive self, wanting to know I’m contributing the very best, can be tricky. According to the CVI, I am a profound Merchant. This means the values of Love and Truth resonate very deeply with me–especially the...
Last week was my husband Eric’s birthday, and as such it is a fitting opportunity to discuss Legacy & Blessing. Legacy is the gift you leave, either overtly or covertly. It is the stamp you leave reminding people you were here. A spoken blessing has been...
Whether You Think You Can or You think You Can’t… You are right! – Henry Ford This quote is a mantra my fitness coach uses with me a lot, but recently I began to intentionally apply it to all areas of my life. Whether I am running a mile or a...
This article articulates (no longer available) very scientifically why kids need to be vastly limited on the use of technology. In my practice I see everyday the devastating effects of the use of technology on the brain. Children have to learn from adults and their...
Creating Safety What does it take for one person to feel safe enough to share their life, their thoughts, their dreams, their body and their emotions? To do all this takes an immense amount of time and energy–aka, it takes some serious work. You need to feel you...
Happy New Year! 2014! This New Year I have a whole new perspective on resolutions. I am focusing on the journey of NOW! Looking back over the past I remember many New Years resolutions that ended in disappointment and shame for not reaching the goals I had set for...
I don’t know about you, but I can get a little overwhelmed this time of year with the onslaught of emails and new-letters encouraging me to review my last year of life lived and set goals for the year to come. I hate to admit it, but I really think of the word “GOAL”...