Hope, Healing, & Growth
One Relationship At A Time
Committed to helping couples, families and individuals through therapy
Start building a better Relationship now!
Trained Couples Therapists | Gottman Certified Trainer
Researched Based | Gottman Methods
The goals of the Gottman Method include increasing closeness and friendship behaviors, addressing conflict productively, and building a life of shared meaning together.
Your Mental Health
When relationships break down it causes anxiety and depression.
What’s at stake?
Poor relationships lead to divorce…
Children Struggle
Children of divorce have 10-15% more depression and anxiety than children in stable homes.
Future Relationship Issues
Divorce can lead to relational attachment issues in children and emotional problems well into their adulthood.
Our Team
Core Values Counseling has a wide range of fees for seeing therapists. Fees are based on the level of experience and types of training the therapists have. Using the best practice of Gottman Couples Method Therapy we do 80 minutes sessions when working with couples.
Better communication, closer connection, less stress, more intimacy
Team approach
Build a team approach with your partner to solving problems
Shared vision
Create a shared vision and meaning for your relationship and life
Trust one another
Grow Commitment and trust that you always have each other’s back
How to get started
Recent Blog Posts
Understanding Conflict: A Journey Towards Connection
Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, but it doesn’t have to be destructive. When approached with compassion and understanding, conflict can actually strengthen the bond between partners. At Core Values Counseling, we believe in empowering couples...
Turn Up the Fun: Easy Strategies to Reignite Your Relationship
In the hustle of everyday life, it’s easy for fun to slip through the cracks in a relationship. Yet playfulness and shared joy are essential components of a healthy, thriving partnership. The good news is that it's never too late to infuse your relationship...
Strengthen Your Relationship with The Art and Science of Love 2 Workshop
If you enjoyed The Art and Science of Love couples workshop, you won’t want to miss The Art and Science of Love 2, coming this September 28-29, 2024! How have things been going since the last workshop? It can be challenging to maintain momentum once...
The Heart of Fatherhood: Strengthening Bonds and Building a Legacy of Compassion
In our journey through the world of fatherhood, we’ve explored why fathers are so crucial in their children's lives and how their presence shapes emotional development. From understanding their unique role to practical tips for connecting emotionally and...
Dropping Anger: A Practical Guide for Fathers
In our ongoing series on fatherhood, we’ve explored the importance of emotional connection and the profound impact fathers have on their children’s lives. Today, we delve into a crucial aspect of fatherhood: managing anger. Anger, if not controlled, can damage...
A Father’s Love: Leaving a Legacy of Compassion
A few weeks back, I introduced you to Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield, PhD, a friend and fellow therapist who’s an expert on the impact and importance of fathering. One of our recent conversations yielded a treasure trove of insights I wanted to share with my...
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Relationships are hard!
We offer guidance and great tools!
1,000 People have more satisfying relationships
- We have been doing couples conferences since 2002
- All our therapists are trained in Gottman couples therapy
- Sabrina Walters is a Certified Gottman Therapist and trainer
Counseling-Couples, Families & Individuals
When we know our core values, how we are wired and what we stand for, we can understand ourselves, better. Knowing our core values about each other builds esteem and honor into our relationships. We at Core Values Counseling hope to help you gain this deep understanding of yourself and others in order for you to have the best life possible!
Counseling Sessions
80 min counseling session
50 min online sessions
Regain hope in your relationship
Masters of Relationships
“My husband and I attended the Enticing Intimacy Couples Retreat with Sabrina and Eric and it was amazing. …At the retreat we learned techniques that deepened our trust in each other. Sabrina and Eric are masters of relationship. I learned so much about myself through the core values index. I’m so excited to share this with other people!”
Authentic and Genuine
“I found the seminar very helpful. It’s exactly what my husband and I needed to get back on track. I’m hopeful about our future. Eric and Sabrina were very authentic and genuine. I would recommend them to any couple.”
Wealth of Information
“Sabrina and Eric are wonderful presenters with real shared life experiences and a wealth of information. We came away with many new tools to implement in our relationship. Thank you!”