May Day Poetry

May Day Poetry

Yes, May Day was last week; we realize this. It’s been a bit chaotic in the Walters world this week, however, which delayed this post — but we didn’t want to miss out on this lovely holiday! It’s tradition on May Day to deliver flowers and...
How Not To Ruin Your Relationship

How Not To Ruin Your Relationship

Recently, Drs. John and Julie Gottman were invited to join the podcast “Ten Percent Happier,” where they share the different ways, both large and small, that couples can impact their relationship. And in this podcast episode, I found, the good doctors...
Learning Emotions

Learning Emotions

As a therapist/wife/friend/daughter/mother/mother-in-law/grandmother…I have always known I am gifted (or cursed, depending on how I’m feeling about it on any given day) on reading emotions. I also realize that I have often misunderstood what those emotions...
Easter Is About New Beginnings

Easter Is About New Beginnings

Easter is still a couple weeks off, but this new burst of spring is already well under way. It reminds me that this is really what Easter is all about: new beginnings! Whether you’re celebrating a faith-based Easter holiday with a focus on resurrection, or just...
Understand vs. Believe

Understand vs. Believe

Sometimes, our partners have different needs and wants than us (okay, maybe it’s a LOT of times!). When those needs and wants are so foreign to us that we don’t even understand them, it can be really hard to empathize or support them through it. Sometimes we...
Don’t Forget About Surprises!

Don’t Forget About Surprises!

As we continue in a long-term relationship, year after year, it can be easy to fall into a very predictable rhythm. And there’s nothing wrong with that! We even have blogs touting the benefits of ritual. It’s healthy and important. But sometimes we forget...
Why Was He The ‘Saint of Love’ Anyway?

Why Was He The ‘Saint of Love’ Anyway?

For many of us, we just think of Valentine’s as a Hallmark, money-grabbing, sugar-filled holiday. And it has been rather commercialized. But that’s not how it started — and there is a really beautiful meaning in this holiday that you might not be...
Believing For The Best

Believing For The Best

One of my favorite songs is a number by Stormie Omartian, called “Believing For The Best In You.” In it, she sings: You’ve been searching through the garden of your life / For the seeds that were planted there. / When I show you the / blossoms and point out the...
Understanding Your Holiday Stress Cycle

Understanding Your Holiday Stress Cycle

It’s that time right between Christmas and New Years. How are you feeling? Has the grinch syndrome caught you yet?  The holidays are a magical time, but I think we can all agree: they’re also stressful. Some extra grouch can come out in any of us if we...
Don’t Let Gifts Overtake You

Don’t Let Gifts Overtake You

It’s the holiday season, and it’s tempting for all of us to focus on one thing: gifts. Don’t get me wrong; it’s a rare few of us who are focused on gifts we’re hoping to receive! No — we’re all usually dwelling on the ones we want to give. And while that can be a...
What Does It Mean To Turn Towards Your Partner?

What Does It Mean To Turn Towards Your Partner?

Here at Core Values, there’s a phrase we tend to return to: Are you turning towards your partner? What does that mean, exactly? Well, it can mean a lot of things. Turning towards your partner means going back inside after you’ve stormed out. It means, even when you...
Using Gratitude To Build Closeness

Using Gratitude To Build Closeness

Fondness and admiration are two of the most important aspects to protect your relationship — and honestly, this doesn’t just apply to romance. For any family member, friend, or even colleague, developing fondness and admiration can build all kinds of trust...
The Five Apology Languages

The Five Apology Languages

I’ve recently discovered that the author of the Five Love Languages has written a book called The Five Languages of Apology. If you’re familiar with the love languages, you know how helpful it is to understand that we all appreciate different types of...
Little White Nothings?

Little White Nothings?

It’s easy to think that those tiny white lies we tell, or even just small omissions, don’t actually hurt your relationship in the long run. Many people, in fact, ascribe to this belief. Personally? I highly disagree. (You’re shocked, I know!) Let me...
Are You A Step Dad?

Are You A Step Dad?

As Marriage & Family Therapists, we work with a lot of blended families. Often, we notice there is a lot of support out there for the moms in these situations — step moms and moms in stepfamilies. But rarely is there valuable resources to support step...