How to Get to Know Each Other with the Core Values Index™
Over the last several weeks, we’ve talked about how to recognize a healthy relationship, how to start building your Strong Relationship House, and three proven strategies for continuing to build it. Here at Core Values Counseling, we understand that the foundation of...3 Proven Strategies for Building Your Strong Relationship House
You might have noticed that we’re kind of obsessed with healthy relationships here at Core Values Counseling. We recently wrote about how to recognize a healthy relationship and how to start building the foundation of your own healthy relationship (the Gottmans call...How to Start Building Your Sound Relationship House
Once you know how to recognize a healthy relationship, you’ll likely want to get working on your own relationship with your partner right away. There are concrete steps you can take to do exactly that, and you can start today. If you’ve been around Core...How to Recognize a Healthy Relationship — and Improve Yours Today
Here at Core Values Counseling, we talk a lot about the Core Values Index™ and how unpacking the CVI™ can lead to some wonderful breakthroughs in your relationships. With this post, Eric will share his thoughts on what a good relationship looks like and feels like. If...Beautiful Transformations: Relationships and Autumn
Autumn is just around the corner. Can you feel it? There’s a crispness to the mornings now that we didn’t have a few weeks ago. And there’s a shift in everyone’s energy — from the carefree ramblings and back-porch hangouts of summer to the buzzing energy of returning...Farewell to the Goodness of Summer, and Hello to the Promise of Fall
I can hardly believe it’s already September and that another summer is nearly behind us. But just last week, I popped out onto my back patio for some morning time with God, and it was chilly enough that I had to head back inside for my fuzzy robe to keep warm! Fall...This is How You Can Start Accepting Influence in Your Relationship
In a recent post, we talked about why accepting influence can revolutionize your relationship. Today, let’s take that a step further. I’d like to help you understand how to accept influence — and give you a few tools to use in your everyday life. Welcoming your...Here’s Why Accepting Influence Can Revolutionize Your Relationship
Do you find yourself regularly and intentionally being open to the ideas and opinions of your partner? Does your partner do the same for you? The Gottmans refer to this important relationship dynamic as accepting influence. It’s a skill and a habit that really has the...Grieving? This is Why Turning Towards Your Partner Can Help
In a recent post, I mentioned having been in the midst of some very significant grief — and that I’ve been working on building my resilience. And since I’ve made transparency and vulnerability a priority — both in my personal life and my professional practice — I’d...Struggling with Weariness? Resilience Is Key
If you’re having a hard week (or month… or year), let me be the first to tell you: You don’t have to have all the answers — for anyone else or for yourself. Recently, I was reading John Eldredge’s new book, Resilient: Restoring Your Weary Soul in These Turbulent...Is There Actually a Dream Under Your Hidden Resentment?
A wise person once said, “Hidden resentments poison a relationship. So if something bothers you, say it.” The Gottmans take an even more nuanced view of hidden resentments: under that conflict, there is most likely a hidden dream. Most conflicts in relationships are...Could This Daily Ritual Breathe New Life Into Your Relationship?
Feel like your relationship is on the back burner? You and your partner deserve to move together in the direction you both want to go. This ritual can help.
Why Vulnerability is Essential to Hope in Relationships
Is your relationship stuck in a cycle of negativity, criticism, defensiveness, and hopelessness? Discover how to get unstuck through the power of vulnerability.