I don’t know about you, but often I get lost in my thoughts — either about my future, and what’s about to happen, or something in my past. Sometimes I’m so distracted that I miss the present moment! It slips right by me, unnoticed, never to be seen again. A lot...
It is so easy to waste time these days, getting caught up in all that is ‘wrong’ with our lives — so much so that we completely miss out on the joy of today! We do this in our relationships, too — with our family, our partner, and our friends. When we’re...
Recently, I’ve read articles how social media has increased likelihood of depression and anxiety. Is anyone surprised? When we’re scrolling, all we see is everybody’s curated ‘best-of’; the best parts of their life, often seen while we’re sitting in the worst of...
Journaling is one of the most practical, accessible ways to improve your overall well-being. It’s one of the first things I recommend to my clients, and it’s helped me in my own personal life time and time again. But many people remain skeptical —...
Welcome to 2016! Have you ever noticed how many amazing movies come out this time of year? It seems like Hollywood saves the good stuff for winter! And it makes sense — more people go see movies in the winter, after all. What else are we going to do in this cold...
The Many Ways We Attach and Why its So Important I’ve been thinking a lot about attachment lately. Perhaps it is because I am working with a master educator/counselor who is an expert on attachment. In my last post I promised I would tell you about the book I...