Every couple is different. For some of us, the first year of marriage is awesome — for some of us, it’s incredibly stressful. Some couples adjust to children quickly and easily, but the majority of us have a much more difficult transition. For every new...
This Mother’s Day, if you are overjoyed to be surrounded by your little ones, we celebrate with you. If your relationship is complicated or painful, we ache with you. If it is new and exciting, we congratulate you. If you are grieving a passing too soon, we...
I did not want to bother with the resolution this year. Instead, I am taking time to focus and tune into what I want 2016 to be about. I want it to be about change…BIG change! And so far, so good, because this week…Eric and I start our doctoral work. YES!...
The Many Ways We Attach and Why its So Important I’ve been thinking a lot about attachment lately. Perhaps it is because I am working with a master educator/counselor who is an expert on attachment. In my last post I promised I would tell you about the book I...
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a toxic thought cycle? I know that often, when I make a mistake, I find myself overwhelmed with shame and guilt–I spend more time beating myself up about it than trying to actually recover. It becomes a vicious cycle...
Today my son James graduates from Oregon State University. It will be an exciting day, made especially so because the First Lady, Michelle Obama, will be speaking. Although I’m thrilled to have the chance to hear her in person, it doesn’t come close to the joy arising...