What’s In Your Attic?

What’s In Your Attic?

The Gottmans use a picture of a house to symbolize different aspects of your relationship with your significant other. The very top of that house? Creating shared meaning and making each of your life-long dreams come true!   Couples who invest in each other’s dreams...
Flourishing In Your Full Potential

Flourishing In Your Full Potential

If you’ve taken the Core Values Index, you know that we all have a primary value and a secondary value. For example, I am primarily a Merchant, the quadrant which values Love. I am secondarily an Innovator, which values Wisdom. Some people’s top two are...
Making YOUR Impact!

Making YOUR Impact!

This quarter in our classes, Eric and I are studying Personal Assessment. Specifically,we’re examining the cultural impact we hope to have with our lives and work. I couldn’t help but think about the difference Core Values makes in our world! Many people...