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self care

What about does self-care have to do with intimacy?

This week I feel like I’ve come out of a long, Portland winter hibernation. After months of enjoying the coziness of this chilly season, all of a sudden I want to be outside. All the time! The nicer weather just entices me out there, and then I’m remembering why I love the outdoors, the feeling of getting out there and breaking a sweat! A lot of times I feel like I’m too busy to take the time for this simple act — getting outside. Work, chores, family, responsibility all beckon me away. I have friends I want to see, children to care for, a husband to spend time with! How can I justify going off by myself when my time is so precious? 

But the reality is, when I take care of me, my well-being doesn’t just increase —my desire for closeness increases as well! And that desire spurs a deeper intimacy in all of my relationships. It’s like a domino effect in a positive direction. When I take care of myself, exercise, eat well…those are the days I feel better about myself, and those are the days my relationships are at their best. It can seem counterintuitive, especially for us Merchants who are all about other people —but the truth is, taking care of yourself is one of the keys to flourishing relationships. 

How are you caring for yourself today?