As the holiday season unfolds, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the myriad of tasks and expectations that accompany this time of year. From finding the perfect gifts to organizing festive gatherings, the pressure to create a flawless holiday experience...
The holiday season often brings contrasting emotions. While one partner may be ready to deck the halls, the other may feel weighed down by grief, anxiety, or past trauma tied to this time of year. This emotional mismatch can be challenging for couples to...
This one is for the grandparents, especially the newly minted ones. Buckle up. Because the holidays are here, and we all know that means more time with our beloved families. Becoming a grandparent is a joyful and transformative experience. But with the joy...
Relationships are deeply affected by the emotional and mental well-being of each partner. Challenges like anxiety, ADHD, and anger management don’t just affect the individual — they also ripple through the relationship. In my last blog post, I shared how...
In relationships, our words carry immense weight. The way we talk about our partners, whether to them or others, has a profound impact — not only on our partner but on ourselves, our relationship, and even those around us. Think of it as choosing the lens...
As those of you with kids settle into the new school year, I’ve been sharing some gentle parenting-inspired advice to help your family have a smoother, less stressful fall. So far, we’ve talked about attachment and transitions, rituals and emotions, how to help...