EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a mode of therapy, a tool we use to process all types of trauma or negative responses you may have to particular times or events that cause you to experience negative reactions in your mind and body.
Through bilateral stimulation (tapping or holding gentle pulsers in your hands) and becoming mindful together we sense the trouble in the now and how it may be linked to the past. It is rather amazing how many times the negative sensations you experience will dissipate quickly once we process together in a safe, nonviolent place and way. The past doesn’t need to hold pain, once it is processed this way, it becomes less traumatic and more a part of the fabric of the past.
Check out this post on our blog for more info:
Using EMDR To Treat Trauma
Four of our six therapists over at Core Values Counseling have recently been trained in a mode of therapy called EMDR. EMDR stands for "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing," and it's used in therapy to help process trauma. It's quite a simple process,...