Your Bed is Not A Workplace

Your Bed is Not A Workplace

Photo by Gabriel Beaudry on Unsplash When I was young, my mom would never let me eat in bed — she never wanted me to get crumbs in the sheets. If I did, I’d have to change my sheets, a chore I simply hated. These days, many of us have started using our beds for many...
Passion vs. Stress

Passion vs. Stress

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash Passion can be a wonderful thing; it gives you the energy to do the tough stuff that you really want to accomplish. It drives you! For many, our passion is what first attracted our partner to us. They admire our hard work and our big...
Your Anxiety First Aid Kit

Your Anxiety First Aid Kit

Photo by milan degraeve on Unsplash You can start to feel it; your body is changing. Your heart rate picks up, you can feel it beating in your chest. Your pupils dilate, your breath quickens, your hands start to shake. This isn’t quite a panic attack, but you’re...

Be Fearless and Try New Things!

When was the last time you actually tried something new — something that pushed you out of your comfort zone? That stretched your courage? My friend and counseling colleague, Heather Harrison, recently told me that she and her daughter went skydiving on a...