Get Summer Started The Right Way

Summer is upon us! School is out, the sun (and heat!) are here, and the most adventurous season is in full bloom. What does summer mean to you? Does your family have summer traditions, a family trip, or activities you do every year? The Gottman research states that...

Why All Couples Need Space

We’ve all seen that one couple who just seems to have the perfect relationship. They spend every waking minute together, they work together, they always seem to be delighted to see each other, and maybe exhibit a little too much PDA for your taste. Everything is...

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Oftentimes, Memorial Day is simply a family gathering and a barbecue. You might go visit a veteran’s memorial or something along those lines, and that can be wonderful. But at times like this it’s important to remember not just the names, but the legacy others...

Establishing Rituals of Connection

Have you ever heard the term ‘Rituals of Connection’? These are the rituals you build into your life that connect you with your partner, habits that build relationships and encourage closeness. These rituals are always important in a romantic relationship, but perhaps...