It Takes a Village To Raise a Marriage

You’ve probably heard the saying, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ And research confirms that the more positive adult figures a child has as they grow, the better chance they have at maturing into a healthy, successful adult. Well, the same is true for your...

Another Family Vacation!

As our family prepares to go on another trip together this summer, we remember a blog post from about a year ago discussing exactly that. We try to do this every year, and every year the same discussions are essential. So for this newsletter, we thought we’d share...

5 Ways To Make It An Amazing Summer

Summer is a magical season. The kids are out of school, vacations are planned, and everything is sunshine, river rides and watermelon — it’s full of warmth and possibility. As you continue to embrace your summer, there’s a few important things we encourage you to keep...