The 7 Hardest Words

I once heard that there are 7 words in English that are hardest to say — but have the greatest payoff. Those words are: I’m sorry. Forgive me. I love you. Why is it so hard to say those words? When you’ve been in an argument and maybe did or said things...

Another Easter Egg Hunt

At our house, we always have two Easter egg hunts. One for the ‘littles,’ as we call them — that’s the kiddos. Then we have another hunt for the ‘bigs,’ aka the second generation grown-ups. That age range runs 15-55, and it’s...

Rocks In Your Jar

Have you heard that old illustration of rocks in a mason jar? It goes something like this: Your life is a jar. The rocks you put in the jar are things that take up your time and energy. Some are big rocks, like your job or your family. Some are small rocks, like...