by Sabrina Walters | Apr 13, 2014 | Core Values Couples
Last week was my husband Eric’s birthday, and as such it is a fitting opportunity to discuss Legacy & Blessing. Legacy is the gift you leave, either overtly or covertly. It is the stamp you leave reminding people you were here. A spoken blessing has been...
by Sabrina Walters | Mar 24, 2014 | Core Values Couples
Whether You Think You Can or You think You Can’t… You are right! – Henry Ford This quote is a mantra my fitness coach uses with me a lot, but recently I began to intentionally apply it to all areas of my life. Whether I am running a mile or a...
by Sabrina Walters | Mar 8, 2014 | Core Values Couples
This article articulates (no longer available) very scientifically why kids need to be vastly limited on the use of technology. In my practice I see everyday the devastating effects of the use of technology on the brain. Children have to learn from adults and their...
by Sabrina Walters | Feb 6, 2014 | Core Values Couples
Creating Safety What does it take for one person to feel safe enough to share their life, their thoughts, their dreams, their body and their emotions? To do all this takes an immense amount of time and energy–aka, it takes some serious work. You need to feel you...
by Sabrina Walters | Jan 11, 2014 | Core Values Couples, Health
Happy New Year! 2014! This New Year I have a whole new perspective on resolutions. I am focusing on the journey of NOW! Looking back over the past I remember many New Years resolutions that ended in disappointment and shame for not reaching the goals I had set for...
by Sabrina Walters | Dec 31, 2013 | Core Values Couples, Counseling, Family, Marriage
I don’t know about you, but I can get a little overwhelmed this time of year with the onslaught of emails and new-letters encouraging me to review my last year of life lived and set goals for the year to come. I hate to admit it, but I really think of the word “GOAL”...