An Attitude of the Heart: JOY!

An Attitude of the Heart: JOY!

Joy is defined as: 1 a :  the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires :  delight b :  the expression or exhibition of such emotion :  gaiety 2 :  a state of happiness or felicity :  bliss 3 :  a source...
Expectations Vs. Hope

Expectations Vs. Hope

Expectations. As you hear this word in your mind, what does it conjure for you? For me, it brings up feelings that aren’t really that positive. Honestly, it just reminds me how much I fear disappointment. It’s a slippery slope, isn’t it? On one hand,...
Escape the Negative Cycle

Escape the Negative Cycle

When couples don’t see eye to eye, it’s easy to take offense, get defensive, shut down, put up walls, or even jump to worst case scenarios. Believe me, we all fall into one or more of these traps–even great marriages can slip into these negative...
Go On An Adventure!

Go On An Adventure!

When was the last time you and your significant other did something a little wild? A little out-there? When did you throw caution to the wind and head out on an adventure together? Adventure can look very different to different couples. Maybe your adventure is found...
A Study on Happiness

A Study on Happiness

Here at Core Values, we always knew relationships were important–but now there’s a 75-year study to confirm it! Happiness is a goal of almost every person on the planet, a goal many people believe can be achieved by financial freedom, prestige, fame or...