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Fondness and admiration are two of the most important aspects to protect your relationship — and honestly, this doesn’t just apply to romance. For any family member, friend, or even colleague, developing fondness and admiration can build all kinds of trust and positivity in your connection. I’m sure you’ve seen many posts online and emails going around about gratitude this month. It’s November; that’s what this holiday is for. And it’s always a great reminder to openly share the gratitude we have for our friends and loved ones. Even if you’re in a tough spot with your partner, try saying one thing you’re grateful for each day. It has been proven to change our brain chemistry!

I know someone who recently revealed a new habit she and her husband were starting to build. Every night, before they go to bed, they each list three things they’re grateful for — about each other.

“I’m thankful you were so sensitive and caring when I got upset earlier.”
“I’m so thankful that you helped clean up after dinner.”
“I’m grateful that you went on a walk with me — it’s so nice to have that time together.”

And back and forth they go, until they’ve each said three things. Doesn’t that sound marvelous? What a wonderful way to rebuild connection, right at the end of the day when you might be distracted by everything that’s happened, or everything that’s coming tomorrow. Right when we’re coming together to rest, rather than allow ourselves to fret about the past or future, we intentionally reconnect in a profound and appreciative way. I know gratitude is shown to be one of the most effective ways to bolster your relationship — so why not make a practice of it?

We at Core Values are grateful for each of you. Thank you for allowing us to share our thoughts with you, and even our lives through therapy and conferences. It is a great honor and we don’t take it lightly!