Hold Me Tight

Hold Me Tight

In her incredible book, “Hold Me Tight,” Sue Johnson emphasizes the need for our beloved to literally hold us tight–to cuddle often, and in doing so to consistently feel very close. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you probably already...
There IS Hope For Change!

There IS Hope For Change!

Today, Eric and I had the opportunity to listen to world-renowned author, speaker, researcher and therapist Dr. Daniel Seigel speak. I was thrilled; I’ve been influenced by his work since grad school and, for the last couple of years, been continually shaped by...

Let’s Talk About Freedom

Freedom! That’s what we celebrate this weekend, isn’t it? But what about freedom in our relationships? Well, the very best relational freedom is not that different from the freedom our country enjoys. Certainly we are independent from the sovereignty of...
Protecting The Good Times

Protecting The Good Times

Welcome to Summer! It’s finally here: the season of good times, relaxing days, warm memories. The season of enjoying the outdoors, of picnics and wine tasting, of long drives through the country and watching the sunset so much later than before. Summer is...
The Happiness Chart

The Happiness Chart

Last week, we talked about whether or not happiness is a choice. Can we choose to be happy, after all? Well, when I discovered this chart by colleague Paul Smith, it seemed like the perfect follow up. Below are practical, every day things we all have the power to do...
Is Happiness A Choice?

Is Happiness A Choice?

The cold, hard fact is: Yes. Your happiness is actually your choice. I read a book by this title years ago, and often remind my clients of it. But when they hear me say it, they often look at me like I’m crazy — or insensitive. I admit, it doesn’t...