by Sabrina Walters | Jun 7, 2013 | Core Values Couples, Counseling
“I can’t stop the rain from falling down on you but I will hold you until it goes away.” These are the words from the Third Day song “When the Rain Comes.” Sometimes life just seems overwhelming and we just want to be held. I think that when we are in this state of...
by Sabrina Walters | May 2, 2013 | Core Values Couples, Couples, Intimacy, Marriage, Sex
What Women Want…What Men Want This is the age-old question. So many couples struggle to share openly and vulnerably about their needs for intimacy. Often the result of this struggle is isolation, frustration and sometimes even relational disaster. At Core Values...
by Sabrina Walters | Apr 6, 2013 | Core Values Couples
This past month I have been on a journey that my brother/coach John Bergquist encouraged me to join him on. I have been complaining about not having enough time in the day to accomplish all that needs to get done, plus write, exercise and take care of my family. He...
by Sabrina Walters | Apr 1, 2013 | Core Values Couples
Balance When I think of balance, I imagine someone on pointe in ballet or an acrobat walking the tight rope. It all looks so elegant and effortless from the audience’s perspective. But I am sure neither of these performers would tell you balance is attained very...
by Sabrina Walters | Mar 25, 2013 | Core Values Couples
Blessings are always better than curses. But sometimes it’s all you can do not to focus the curses in your life. The pastor who married us spent a good amount of time the day before our wedding talking to us about our parents and what “gifts or blessings” they had...
by Sabrina Walters | Mar 11, 2013 | Core Values Couples
FACE of HOPE Hope Monger…if there was a name I would like to be known by it would be “Hope Monger.” Hope: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Monger: Peddling wares, in this case the ware I peddle is HOPE!I rather like the thought of...