Premarital Counseling
Pre-marriage or even pre-ENGAGEMENT counseling is a powerful way to begin your relationship! Research done by the Gottman Institute states that by having some premarital counseling you increase your chances of success in marriage by 30%! With all that marriage has going against it today, why not invest at least a few hours and dollars into the success of your marriage. No one likes to think of what might go wrong as they are investing in the wedding of their dreams, but seriously, this is a really big and important step. If you are considering a premarital retreat or a few sessions of premarital counseling, you are truly making the wisest investment in your future (and the future of your future family) as possible!
Romantic Getaway Exploring Your Combined Core Values
Here at Core Values Counseling, we want to get you off to the right start. Why not spend a romantic weekend (or two) away, exploring your core values, what makes you tick (or ticks you off), build a vision for your future, and gain the valuable tools to gain success in a relationship? If the time for a weekend retreat isn’t in your busy pre-wedding schedule, we are more than happy to book some couple’s appointments in the office with one or two of our team members. If you can’t come to a retreat, we recommend at least four, 1.5 hours, in-office sessions. We also have you take the Core Values Index and the Gottman Relationship Check-up in order to have the best idea of who you are, and how you function in the world and in relationships.
Celebrate your Relationship
We want to celebrate your relationship with you, guide you on this momentous journey, and build a foundation you can really count on in the months and years to come! We want to be your marriage consultants, here from the beginning, and here when you need us in the weeks, months and years to come.
Attend The Art and Science of Love Workshop
Discover The Art and Science of Love at our world-renowned weekend conference for couples created by Drs. John and Julie Gottman and see for yourself why millions of couples worldwide have benefited from the Gottman Method.
- 2 days filled with engaging presentations and experiential activities designed to confirm, strengthen, or restore your love
- Couples will receive a physical box set of workshop materials
- For couples of every age, ability, and sexual orientation
Marriage Preparation
We want to work with you to help you prepare for a successful life-long relationship while you prepare for your wedding. Our relationship-building workshops are for couples at every stage of life as well as preparing for marriage.
Growing, understanding, and building strategies to:
• understand each others’ strength,
• develop conflict-resolution strategies
• learn better communication skills
• envision your best future together
If you prefer a more intimate setting, you can schedule four Pre-Marriage sessions with one of our therapists.
Protocol for Couples Counseling with Core Values Counseling.
- First Appointment: Intake with the therapist for a 80-minute session.
Couples take Gottman Assessment (by email invitation from your therapist).
Both individuals have separate 50-minute counseling appointments with their therapist to gather background history after you have completed the Gottman Online Relationship assessment.
The couple has a 4th intake appointment where they will go over the Gottman Relationship checkup and map out a plan for future work.
The couple will be invited to do an unpacking of the Core Values Index and create awareness of how each other is wired. This can be done a) with the therapist in session or b) an online unpacking or c) schedule a live zoom or in-person session with Life Coach Eric Walters.