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If you and your partner have participated in The Art and Science of Love (ASL), you might be wondering, “What comes next? How can we get even more out of what we’ve learned here? How can we make the changes last?”


Good news: we’re excited to announce that Eric Walters (married to Sabrina) will be leading our Post-ASL Coaching Group, a follow-up class to The Art and Science of Love that helps you answer those exact questions.


Who is teaching this class?


Eric Walters has been a Life Coach since 2015 and a teacher since 1983. Retired from teaching, he now coaches full-time and serves as the CFO/COO of Core Values Counseling with his wife of over 40 years, Sabrina Walters. 


Eric is passionate about helping couples have the best relationship possible. He will be sharing from his own experience and expertise as a relationship coach how to make the changes that you explored in The Art and Science of Love last. He will also give you an opportunity to work on your skills just like you did in the ASL workshop as a couple. 


What will be covered in this class? 


This is an eight-week class. It will start on February 6, 2024 and will continue every Tuesday for eight weeks (the last class will be March 26, 2024). This class will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Pacific via Zoom, and the cost is $400 per couple. 


During the first two weeks of the class, we are going to work on Building Love Maps (getting to know each other more deeply). 


Eric will also introduce you to the Core Values Index™ (CVI™) which will help you understand how you and your partner are wired. This informs your deeply held values that drive your every decision — and the way you and your partner show up in relationships (as well as every area of your life).


We’ll also explore your family history, Love Languages, and the topic of broken trust.

Here’s an overview of what each week will include: 

  • Week 1 – Introduction to the course, refresher from the Sound Relationship House as well as introduction to the Core Values Index™ (CVI™) 
  • Week 2 – Deep dive into the CVI™
  • Week 3 – Love Languages 
  • Week 4 – Basic Skills of Conflict Management: Softened Start-Up / Repair Checklist
  • Week 5 – More Skills of Conflict Management: Accepting Influence and Dreams Within Conflict
  • Week 6 – More Skills of Conflict Management: Combining CVI™ with the Gottman-Rapoport Intervention
  • Week 7 – More Skills of Conflict Management: Aftermath of a Fight or Regrettable Event
  • Week 8 – Building a vision for your relationship

Why take this class? 


We want to help couples understand more deeply the skills they need to hone in order to make a lasting impact on their relationships. 


Many participants say what they learned in The Art and Science of Love was great in terms of content and that the breakout sessions helped, but they needed more time and coaching to support meaningful, lasting progress. 


It can also be hard to make time to work on these techniques to build your relationship. This class will help you intentionally set aside time to revisit and practice the skills you learned in ASL while also learning new techniques and information. All of this is designed to enhance what you learned from the Art and Science of Love.


Furthermore, we understand all too well how easy it is to learn something at a retreat or conference, practice it while there, and then go home and forget all about it. Our hope is that through this small group experience, you’ll have more opportunities to make lasting changes in your relationships.

Who is this class for? 


This class is intended for couples who have attended The Art and Science of Love, as presented by Sabrina Walters. If you want to go deeper and practice the skills you learned there, this follow-up class is for you.


To save your space and join us at the Post-ASL Coaching Group, register here! If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us. We’re happy to help! See you at the Post-ASL Coaching Group!