Enticing Love – Book / Online Edition

$4.49 with 96 pages – Purchase book through Amazon

When we say that hope can heal, we say it from hard experience. We started our lives together with a terminal illness staring us in the face; a trusted advisor even counseled us to plan a funeral before we ever planned our wedding. Years later, an affair rocked our marriage. We survived it and, over time, emerged out of the darkness to become whole again. These experiences give us an uncommon perspective that has helped many others to find their own wholeness. We have seen how hope can heal, even in the most hopeless of situations.
We have been married since 1982, raised three boys (who are all now married), and have weathered many storms along the way. Through our many years of combined experience we have always had a vision for our own lives as well as helping others gain hope through gaining vision for their lives and relationships.
This book is an introduction to our relationship and our work with couples. In sharing these stories, we’d like to show you how hope builds resiliency to help you envision the best future; it teaches you a new dance, which leads to a hope-filled relationship.



When we say that hope can heal, we say it from hard experience. We started our lives together with a terminal illness staring us in the face; a trusted advisor even counseled us to plan a funeral before we ever planned our wedding. Years later, an affair rocked our marriage. We survived it and, over time, emerged out of the darkness to become whole again. These experiences give us an uncommon perspective that has helped many others to find their own wholeness. We have seen how hope can heal, even in the most hopeless of situations.

We have been married since 1982, raised three boys (who are all now married), and have weathered many storms along the way. Through our many years of combined experience we have always had a vision for our own lives as well as helping others gain hope through gaining vision for their lives and relationships.

This book is an introduction to our relationship and our work with couples. In sharing these stories, we’d like to show you how hope builds resiliency to help you envision the best future; it teaches you a new dance, which leads to a hope-filled relationship.