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This last month was an exceptional one for the Walters! We had two of our boys graduate, both in a field they are passionate about, both in areas their CVI would agree they are extremely well-suited for.

Each accomplished this in their own way and in their own time. I write this not to boast about my boys (however proud I might be of them) but to shed light on the fact there are many different paths to similar goals. Our youngest son, James, finished his masters degree last summer, actually, but chose to walk with his classmates this spring. He earned his Masters of Science in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in geotechnical engineering. James has been working in the field since last fall and is loving the work he is doing. He is a “Banker/Innovator” on the CVI which means he is driven by knowledge and wisdom. He is highly cognitive and loves the exacting, but ever-changing challenges he faces in the field and in the office. He has found the path that’s perfect for him.

Our eldest son, Clayton, was determined to get through college without any debt. His road has been longer. It began at Whitworth University for two years. Then he got married and put his wife through her masters degree. When she got a job in Hawaii, they spent time living there. When they moved to Kuwait, he was able to do the lion’s share of his Criminal Justice degree online one or two classes at a time in order to focus intently on each subject and pay as he went along. Now that he’s received his degree, he will determine in the weeks and months to come whether that will be through restorative justice or counseling. Currently he is doing a little of both as a milieu counselor at a residential treatment center for youth recovering from addiction. His CVI shows he is based strongly in Wisdom and Love. Relationships are what drive his desire to help people move forward and his wisdom gives him the vast ideas of the path to best help them.

It is such a joy to see each of our boys living out their core values. When we as parents (or friends, spouses and counselors) encourage people to be guided by their passions and values, people tend to feel less anxiety and more comfortable and satisfied with their big choices in life. Living out of our core makes life so much easier. But there are a million different paths to follow as we live these out…it is certainly not a one size fits all sort of method. It’s more like following the compass your heart has already set.

Make sure you’ve got your bearings.